Watermark Data on Websites

Below are the rules that govern which Watermark data records will show up on the iSchool directory, and research websites.

Affiliate Positions:

Pulls From:

  • Positions Held screen


  • “Is this a faculty affiliate title?” is set to “Yes”
  • Start Date is < today
  • End Date is > today

Available on sites:

  • iSchool Directory

APA Reference List:


  • If posting in sites.uw.edu, include the following tags (in order) into your post when under the “Text” view (upper Right)
    • <!– This is a div tag. You can put a loading graphic here, or any text you’d like, but it will be replaced by your reference list –>
      <div id=”publications”></div>
    • <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://ischool.uw.edu/themes/custom/uwischool/css/lts-publications-and-research-v1.css”>
    • <script type=”text/javascript”>
      // Edit the contents of this tag to match your credentials!
      // This is pulled by netid
      var authorsCall = ‘bboiko’;
      // For multiple authors
      // var authorsCall = ‘bboiko,epope’;
    • <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://ischool.uw.edu/themes/custom/uwischool/js/lts-publications-and-research-v1.js”></script>
  • Then include your “call” tag:
    • <script>

Available on sites:

  • All



  • Specific website is selected
  • Web Start Date is < today
  • Web End Date is > today

Available on sites:

  • iSchool Directory
  • Knowledge Org

Biography & PCI:

Pulls From:

  • Personal and Contact Information section


  • Varies per site
  • iSchool Directory bio pulls from Personal Biography field
  • KO Directory bio pulls from Brief Biography for Research Sites field

Available on sites:

  • iSchool Directory
  • Knowledge Org



  • Specific website is selected

Available on sites:

  • iSchool Directory



  • Either:
    • Public flag is set to “Public”
    • Public flag is set to “Public No Date” (in this case no date will be shown)

Available on site:

  • iSchool Directory

Intellectual Contributions:


  • Specific website is selected
  • AND Either:
    • Status = “Published”
    • Status = “Accepted”

Available on site:

  • iSchool Directory
  • Knowledge Org
  • DataLab



  • Public flag is set to “Public”

Available on site:

  • iSchool Directory



  • Specific website is selected
  • Web Start Date is < today
  • Web End Date is > today

Research Areas:

Pulls from:

  • Personal and Contact Information screen


  • Research Area 1 and/or Research Area 2 contain data

Available on site:

  • iSchool Directory

Research Areas AI Pull:

Pulls from:

  • iSchool’s LTS API and Watermark’s


  • If posting in sites.uw.edu, include the following tags (in order) into your post when under the “Text” view (upper Right)
    • <!– This is a div tag. You can put a loading graphic here, or any text you’d like, but it will be replaced by your research areas –>
      <div id=”research”></div>
    • <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://ischool.uw.edu/themes/custom/uwischool/css/lts-publications-and-research-v1.css”>
    • <script type=”text/javascript”>
      // Edit the contents of this tag to match your credentials!
      // This is pulled by netid
      var authorsCall = ‘bboiko’;
      // For multiple authors
      // var authorsCall = ‘bboiko,epope’;// These are your authorsNames. Sometimes, research areas where you were not the Principal Researcher will pop up, so we want to be able to filter that. The trick is to include the last name, or first name and last name of the person
      // We are confident there is only one Boiko, go ahead and use just the last name
      var authorsNames = [‘Boiko’];
      // For multiple authors
      var authorsNames = [‘Robert,Boiko’, ‘Elle,Pope’];
    • <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://ischool.uw.edu/themes/custom/uwischool/js/lts-publications-and-research-v1.js”></script>
  • Then include your “call” tag:
    • <script>
      getResearch(‘Areas’);// We cal also format our list to include headers with the Research Year. To do that, format like so
      // getResearch(‘Areas’, true);

Available on site:

  • All

Research Projects:


  • Specific website is selected
  • AND either:
    • Funding pursued is set to “Yes” and funding status is set to “Funded”
    • Funding pursued is set to “No”

Available on site:

  • iSchool Research Grants
  • Knowledge Org

Research Projects AI Pull:

Pulls from:

  • iSchool’s LTS api and Watermark’s (Activity Insight)


  • If posting in sites.uw.edu, include the following tags (in order) into your post when under the “Text” view (upper Right)
    • <!– This is a div tag. You can put a loading graphic here, or any text you’d like, but it will be replaced by your research areas –>
      <div id=”research”></div>
    • <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://ischool.uw.edu/themes/custom/uwischool/css/lts-publications-and-research-v1.css”>
    • <script type=”text/javascript”>
      // Edit the contents of this tag to match your credentials!
      // This is pulled by netid
      var authorsCall = ‘bboiko’;
      // For multiple authors
      // var authorsCall = ‘bboiko,epope’;// These are your authorsNames. Sometimes, research areas where you were not the Principal Researcher will pop up, so we want to be able to filter that. The trick is to include the last name, or first name and last name of the person
      // We are confident there is only one Boiko, go ahead and use just the last name
      var authorsNames = [‘Boiko’];
      // For multiple authors
      var authorsNames = [‘Robert,Boiko’, ‘Elle,Pope’];
    • <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://ischool.uw.edu/themes/custom/uwischool/js/lts-publications-and-research-v1.js”></script>
  • Then include your “call” tag:
    • <script>
      getResearch(‘Projects’);// We cal also format our list to include headers with the Research Year. To do that, format like so
      // getResearch(‘Projects’, true);

Available on site:

  • All



  • If set in PCI section then these (up to three) will show up

Available on site:

  • iSchool Directory

What is Watermark?

Watermark is an online database from vendor Watermark Insights. At the Information School, we use Watermark for a variety of purposes:

  • Data entered in Watermark populates our iSchool directory pages for faculty, staff, and Ph.D. students.
  • Annual Faculty Activity Reports are generated from data entered by faculty and others into Watermark.
  • Faculty can generate a basic CV and easily modify the format for various purposes.
  • Faculty accomplishments can be aggregated for a variety of reports to support strategic planning, communications, accreditation, and other administrative purposes.

iSchool faculty and PhD students access their Watermark records from the iSchool website. The Watermark link is one of the items on the Tools list which opens from the upper right corner of the website. Enter your UW NetID and password to access the Main Menu of your Watermark records. iSchool staff and graduate assistants who work on Watermark records access the database in the same way.

Those faculty who are subject to merit review and must generate an annual Faculty Activity Report should update records in the following sections of the Watermark Main Menu:

  • Scholarship/Research
  • Service
  • Teaching
  • Miscellaneous

Use of Watermark at the iSchool began in late 2010 when the School was asked by Administration to produce information that included aggregated faculty accomplishments. Needing something more efficient than individual CVs, the Watermark online database was explored and purchased. Graduate assistants entered information from faculty CVs into spreadsheets that were uploaded into Watermark. Extensive data cleaning and database customization followed. The faculty merit review in March 2012 was the first to use data exported from Watermark as Faculty Activity Reports.

How do I change my iSchool faculty or PhD student directory profile?

Most information on your iSchool directory page comes from data entered into your Watermark records and it can only be edited on the platform. An exception is your photo. If you are apart of the faculty or staff, contact iSchool Human Resources. If you are a PhD student, please do the following:

  • Navigate to the iSchool student directory.
  • Log in with your UW NetID and password.
  • You will see a link to “Edit my student profile” under the list of directories on the left.
  • Once you’ve clicked this link, navigate to the “Profile Settings” page and find the “Student Photo” field. Use the upload field to add a photo of your choice. If you upload a large photo, you’ll be able to crop that right on this page.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “save.”
  • Refresh the page to see your photo.

This photo will be shown in the iSchool directory unless you have a different photo in Watermark (managed by iSchool Communications). If you would like to have a new photo taken, contact Doug Parry in iSchool Communications at parrydo@uw.edu.

Faculty and PhD students can access their Watermark records from the iSchool website. The Watermark link is one of the items on the Tools list which opens from the upper right corner of the website.

On the Personal and Contact Information screen linked in the Administrative Data section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Office location
  • Telephone number
  • Personal Website URL
  • Curriculum Vita URL
  • Profile Biography
  • Specialization(s) – up to three

On the Education screen linked in the General Information section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Show in iSchool Directory? (options are “Public,” “Public No Date,” and “Private”)
  • Degree (if set to “Other,” contents of “Explanation of ‘Other'” field will be displayed)
  • Emphasis/Major
  • Year Completed (year will not show in the directory if “Public No Date” is selected above)

On the Consulting and Other Projects screen in the Miscellaneous section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Consulting Type (if set to “Other,” contents of “Explanation of ‘Other'” field will be displayed)
  • Client/Organization
  • Start Date year
  • End Date year
  • “Directory” is checked in Website Selector (default is checked)

On the Awards and Honors screen linked in the Miscellaneous section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Award or Honor Name
  • Organization/Sponsor
  • Date Received
  • “Directory” is checked in Website Selector (default is checked)

On the Professional Memberships screen linked in the General Information section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Show in iSchool Directory (Set to “Public” will show; set to “Private” will not show)
  • Name of Organization

On the Intellectual Contributions screen linked in the Scholarship/Research section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Contribution Type (appears as an icon in the directory; hover over to see type label)
  • Title of Contribution
  • Year published
  • Name of Journal/Magazine OR Title of Larger Work
  • Volume
  • Issue Number/Edition
  • Page Numbers or Number of Pages
  • Web Address (Title of Contribution becomes a link to URL entered here)
  • Authors (names of co-authors in the iSchool directory link to their directory pages; only one author should enter in Watermark to avoid duplicate records)
  • “Directory” is checked in Website Selector (default is checked)

On the Presentations screen linked in the Scholarship/Research section, the following fields sync with the directory:

  • Presentation Title
  • End Date year
  • Meeting/Conference/Organization Name
  • “Directory” is checked in Website Selector (default is checked)
  • Today is between Website Start Date and Website End Date

Items that are not editable by you that appear on your iSchool directory pages are:

  • Your title – managed by the iSchool Human Resources
  • Current Quarter Teaching – managed by the iSchool Web Developer Administrator