Acquiring Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Creative Cloud

The University of Washington has a contract with Adobe. We are required to procure these Adobe products through the UW contract. This article explains the procedures for purchasing Adobe products at the iSchool, including the approval process, pricing, and license management.


iSchool IT will manage the purchase and renewal of Adobe licenses. iSchool employees should not pay for Adobe products out of pocket and seek reimbursement. Instead, to order Adobe products, employees should contact Please do not fill out the UW Connect order form yourself.

Approval Process:

For staff who need Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Creative Cloud to perform the functions of their job, the cost will be funded by a general budget. However, you must provide a business use case, and your supervisor must approve your request.

For faculty who need Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Creative Cloud for research or academic projects, you will need to provide a budget. This can be from your fast funds, your start funds, or a grant budget if appropriate.

For Ph.D. students who need Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Creative Cloud for research or academic projects, you will need to provide a budget. Please work with your faculty advisor to find a budget/funding source.


Adobe product prices are listed in the following UW-IT service catalog entries:

License Management:

iSchool IT keeps track of Adobe licenses, which are transferable, and the iSchool can realize cost savings by reusing licenses. These licenses are automatically renewed annually in July and must be intentionally canceled. The iSchool must track these purchases to ensure licenses are not billed after people separate from the school.

If you wish to cancel your Adobe subscription prior to July of a given year, please contact Failing to do so will result in an automatic renewal. Note that UW-IT does not pro-rate the purchase of these annual licenses, and they renew in July, to align with UW fiscal years.

“Shared Device” Adobe Creative Cloud application login

The Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications is installed on all computers in Mary Gates Hall rooms 430 and 440.

To use the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications you must supply login credentials. Users need to create what Adobe calls an “Adobe ID” out of any email address. Creating an “Adobe ID” is zero cost. Do not use your address to create an “Adobe ID.”

An “Adobe ID” can be created at the application login screen or at any time at the website:

More information about creating an “Adobe ID” can be found on this website: