Group Ownership for Persistent Microsoft Forms

The issue with Individually owned Microsoft Forms

If you wish to leverage Microsoft Forms to collect data for your unit, here are the following issues you may need to contend with:

  • Continuity of Access: Forms created using personal accounts may become inaccessible if the creator leaves the organization. Forms that are associated with a group will mitigate this risk.
  • Ownership and Data Accessibility: In cases where forms include uploads, only the primary owner can access these uploads. Multiple ownership does not extend to these elements. Forms that are associated with a group will grant all members of the group access to the uploads.
To mitigate the above issues, forms that are to be accessed by multiple people and require uninterrupted access to data and upload even if someone leaves the team should be owned by a Microsoft 365 Group instead of an individual.

Considerations before you request a Microsoft 365 Group

There is, however, significant overhead in creating Microsoft 365 Groups, managing Microsoft 365 Groups, and dealing with the life cycle of these groups to ensure they are not orphaned and appropriately deleted when no longer needed.

Before you request a new Microsoft 365 group consider the following:

  • Will this form need longevity past your tenure? If the life of this form will conclude within your tenure (A form for persons to select meal preferences for an upcoming conference for example), then it is both appropriate and recommended that simply use your personal account to create and publish this form.
  • Can you leverage an existing Microsoft 365 Group for this project?  Do not use a separate Microsoft 365 Group for each form. A Microsoft 365 Group – as its name implies – should be associated with a group of people working on this and other similar forms.
  • Is Microsoft Forms the Right Tool for the Job? If your form does not have an upload component, for long-term surveys and forms, Qualtrics might be a better solution, it allows for easy transferring of ownership of surveys and results.

Creating and setting up a Microsoft 365 Group for form ownership

Important Note: Do not create the group directly through UW IT. This approach does not address the issue of business continuity should you leave the iSchool and leaves no mechanism for transferring ownership of the orphaned group to others.
  1. Identify a suitable group name: 
    1. Choose a name that reflects the job function related to the forms your group will manage.
    2. We recommend that you use the suffix forms in your group name to clearly indicate the group’s focus – see below.
    3. The total length of the group name (without the suffix) is 40 characters long.
    Too Vague:      ‘finance forms’ – Describes neither the form nor the group working on the form.

    Too Specific:   ‘finance winter conference travel reimbursement forms‘ – Focuses more on the form than the group.

    Just Right:     ‘finance reimbursement forms’ – Concisely describes the group’s function and area of focus.

  2. Request a Microsoft 365 Group be created:
    • Email – Request a Microsoft 365 Group be created for your team’s forms.
    • Email Content – Include the following pieces of information in your email:
      1. The name of your group with the forms suffix.
      2. The iSchool unit that is using these forms (finance, HR, etc).
      3. One or more primary contact persons – who we can contact should questions arise about these forms.
      4. A brief summary of the form types you plan to create and the rationale for group ownership.
    • You will be notified by ihelp once the group has been created and configured.
  3. Email Receipt Configuration: – This step is optional but required if you wish to receive a notification when the form has a submission.Configure the Microsoft 365 group to receive emails from outside the organization.
    Navigate to the group you wish to manage.

    Navigate to the group you wish to manage.


    Click on the group name at the top of the main group window to display the group details.

    Click on the group name at the top of the main group window to display the group details.


    Click Edit Group at the bottom of the dialog to edit the group's settings.

    Click Edit Group at the bottom of the dialog to edit the group’s settings.


    Under the About Tab, select “Let people outside the organization email this group.”

    Under the About Tab, select “Let people outside the organization email this group.”


  4. Create and Test Your Form:
    • Create the form, ensuring it meets the intended requirements. Test the form (FYI: Forms can be Hosted on SharePoint).
  5. Ownership Transfer:
    • When ready to be deployed, change the ownership of the form to the group.
  6. Email Notification Setup:
    • Enable the option “get email notification of each response” if immediate updates on responses are required.
  7. Manage Group Membership as shown below.

How to manage your Microsoft 365 Group Membership

Important Note: Do not remove the ischool-teams-admin account as an owner. This is the account that will be used to recover ownership and troubleshoot the Microsoft 365 Group as necessary.

Navigate to the group you with to manage: In the navigation pane on the left-hand side, find “Groups”. Click on the arrow on the left to expand the groups and select the specific Microsoft 365 Group you want to manage.

Click on the Group name to bring up the Group Details.

Click on the Group name to bring up the Group Details.


Click on the Edit Group button on the bottom.

Click on the Edit Group button on the bottom.


Click on the Members tab and then on the ‘Add members’ link.

Click on the Members tab and then on the ‘Add members’ link.


How to get notified for form submissions in your personal inbox

Navigate to the group you want to get emails for: In the navigation pane on the left-hand side, find “Groups”. Click on the arrow on the left to expand the groups and select the specific Microsoft 365 Group you want to manage.

Click on the Group name to bring up the Group Details.

Click on the Group name to bring up the Group Details.


Click on the three dots in group details and select “Follow in inbox.”

Click on the three dots in group details and select “Follow in inbox.”


This will ensure that your personal inbox is notified when there are new form submissions. If you wish to unsubscribe from this forwarding, and not get emails in your inbox anymore, follow the same steps and the option will say “Unfollow” or “Stop Following” instead of “Follow”. If you select that, you will no longer get notified by form submissions.

Differences between Group Owners and Group Members

Group Owners

  • Full Control: Owners have full control over the form and the group settings. This includes creating, editing, and deleting forms within the group.
  • Management Capabilities: They can manage membership of the group, including adding or removing members, and changing other members to owners.
  • Access Settings: Owners can adjust settings related to sharing and permissions for the form, deciding how the form is shared outside the group or organization.
  • Form Deletion: Only owners have the ability to delete a form. This is an important distinction because deleting a form removes all associated data and responses.

Group Members

  • View and Edit: Members can view and edit forms owned by the group, which allows for collaborative editing and management of the form content.
  • Response Access: They can access and analyze the responses to the form. This is crucial for collaborative review and decision-making processes.
  • Can choose to Follow the group: If a group member follows a group, they will have a copy of the group notifications when someone has completed the survey sent to their personal Inbox.

How to Identify all the Microsoft 365 Groups I am a member or owner off

All groups you are a member or owner of will appear in Outlook under Groups in your Outlook Mailbox Navigation pane.

NOTE: You might see Microsoft Teams you are a member or owner of listed here as well. By default, Microsoft Teams have their group mailbox option disabled and will thus not be listed here. When the team is being created, it is possible to request that you make your Team’s associated Microsoft 365 Group visible in Outlook, this will allow members to interact in Outlook through a shared Inbox and will thus be listed here.

Why create a Microsoft 365 Group and not a Teams (which utilizes a MS 365 group)?

Since forms can be shared with Teams and MS 365 Groups, so why not use Teams?  A Teams group is likely too broad. Further one will need to be an owner of a team to be notified of new form submissions.  For most use cases, creating a group for this purpose will help target the purpose of the form: who needs access to the form and its data, who needs to be notified of new form submissions, and who needs to take over to ensure business continuity.

Office 365 SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Many of us expect email to be delivered instantly. Although it is usually very fast, there are many factors that affect the delivery time and most of us have unreasonable expectations based on the service that we use. This article will hopefully explain some of the things that can affect the delivery of email and spell out the level of service guaranteed by Microsoft.

In summary:

  • The service design goal of Exchange Online is the delivery of email in less than one minute, but this is an average over a month and not for any one email message.
  • Broken is considered an average delay of greater than 10 minutes over a month, again this is an average and does not apply to any individual email message.
  • Any one message is considered delayed after three hours at which point the sender should get an information email.
  • Any one message that is not delivered in three days is failed and the sender will get a NDR (Non-Delivery Report).

There are also other factors that affect the delivery of email.

  • Exchange on-premise adds additional delay for Exchange Online users, this is usually under one minute (20-30 seconds seems normal) but can be up to five minutes. Currently, because of a requirement of a small number of users, all Exchange Online email is routed through an on-premise Exchange server. If there is a delay, this is usually where it occurs rather than with any Microsoft infrastructure.
  • That said, routing email through an on-premise Exchange server has mitigated numerous other risks with corresponding cost reductions that would have been incurred by addressing them. It also lets the UW comply with ISO 27001, ISO 27018, Safe Harbor, SSAE16 SOC1 Type II, SOC2 Type II and FISMA. Very few cloud-only (or even any) email providers can claim this.

Edit your Office 365 Profile

SharePoint has many social features. Ever since the iSchool decided to adopt SharePoint as our collaboration tool we decided to make our Intranet as personable as possible to facilitate said collaboration.

As iSchool Staff, here is what we would like you to do.

1) Browse to here:

and log in.

2) Click on the picture (or buddy icon if there is no picture) in the top, right corner.

3) Click the “About me” link.

4) Upload a picture of yourself (you can use your iSchool staff picture if you like).

5) Optionally, you can also edit your Profile to add additional information.

Being able to put a face to a name goes a long way toward achieving the goal of making our Intranet more personable. Your picture, and any information you add to your Profile and make viewable by everyone, will be displayed under the “People” links on our Intranet.

Activation Required Prompts and Microsoft Software

iSchool owned Windows computers are set up to periodically check-in with a license server on campus to verify the activation of Windows (the operating system itself).

If your computer has been off campus for quite some time and your computer has not connected to the Husky OnNet VPN for quite some time (at least once every 180 days), you can expect to see a prompt or message telling you that you are required to activate Microsoft Windows or your license will expire soon.

If you see a message about needing to activate Windows, connect to the Husky OnNet VPN, then wait. You may continue working. Your computer will automatically “check in” with the on-campus license server, activate Microsoft Windows, the “activation required” message will disappear, and you can disconnect or exit the Husky OnNet VPN application.

More about how activating Microsoft products works at the UW, can be found on UW-IT’s website: